Child Sponsorship

Child Sponsorship

Help a child live out their God given potential by giving to less privileged children. Your monthly gift of love will bring hope and change to a sponsored child’s life and future. Through your sponsorship, you’ll help assist your child’s entire school and educational needs.

Children You Can Sponsor:

  • Homeless children.
  • Orphaned Children.
  • Children from impoverished communities.
  • Children from single mothers/teenage mothers/widows.
  • Children from natural disaster areas

The Child Is Blessed With:

  • A poverty-busting education.
  • The knowledge that someone loves them and wants them to succeed.
  • Hope for a better life.

You Are Blessed With:

  • The knowledge that YOU stepped in to help end poverty in the life of a child.
  • The opportunity to communicate directly with the child you sponsor.
  • Updated photos of the child and prayer requests from the child.
  • Important reports of progress in the country where your sponsored child lives.